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Hot washed pet flakes machine

Have you ever wondered what happens to your plastic bottles after consuming and throwing away after drinking? They do not disappear, though. They are not recycled. In the end they land up in massive garbage dumps called landfills. Lasting hundreds or even dozens of years are plastic bottles in city graveyards. This affects our earth and its immediate surrounding environment in so many ways but wait! Luckily, the problem of recycling these bottles has been solved by experts. Isn’t this wonderful? 


The Process of Recycling is Called PET Recycling. It’s a form of plastic commonly used in bottles and known as Polyethylene Terephthalate. Once cleaned, these bottles are melted down before being made into new bottle using new plastics as raw materials. An important part of the process is producing MOOGE Pet flakes washing machine. These flakes are free from any kind of impurities that may make them dirty or inclusions. 

Efficient Production Of High-Quality Hot-Washed PET Flakes

Initial fillings with this machine start with large tanks of hot water. For better cleaning effect on the bottles it is very crucial that the water be heated up to hot temperatures by use hot water boiler installed immediately next to MOOGE machine. And at length the machine will also have some detergent (soap) equivalent to what we use for dishwashing purpose only aimed to dissolve all dirt rubbish within plastic containers especially those which were used as milk containers among others.. The blades on this machine cut it (plastic) into small pieces and then washes it severally until it becomes clean enough. Wipe off any excess water remaining on topmost paper using a tidy single ply towel. 


Washing Machine-Hot Washed PET Flakes Helps Fight Plastic Waste! After manufacture, instead of throwing them like ordinary garbage we can recycle them into other items. In this way, the MOOGE Pet flakes machine produces less waste that is very much friendly to environment and landfills with respect to plastics and paper but also preserves energy and resources. 

Why choose MOOGE Hot washed pet flakes machine?

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